Hosted by 4Kira4Moms, The Congressional Dads Caucus & Black Maternal Health Caucus, Sponsored by Walmart
WASHINGTON, DC – On Thursday, September 12, 2024, 4Kira4Moms, the Black Maternal Health Caucus, and the Congressional Dads Caucus will present the “Fathers in the Fight for Maternal Health Breakfast” at 9:00 a.m. EDT, in Rayburn 2168. This important breakfast session will unite members from both caucuses with community advocates and legislative leaders to discuss opportunities and legislation supporting Black maternal health and increasing father involvement
in advocacy.
In 2016, our founder, Charles Johnson, lost his wife Kira, during a routine C-section at Cedar Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, California. He founded 4Kira4Moms in 2017 as a response to his experience, to be a voice for other mothers and families facing unnecessary maternal loss, and putting an end to the maternal mortality health crisis. Black women are disproportionately affected by this epidemic, where they are 3x more likely to die from pregnancy than white women.
Kira Johnson tragically lost her life after a routine c-section at Cedars Sinai. Kira was allowed to bleed internally for more than 10 hours before the medical staff at Cedars Sinai took action.
We fight to make sure this never happens to another mother. More women die in the United states each year than in any other civilized country in the world.
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