4KIRA4MOMS PODCAST FEATURES WATCH OUR LATEST PODCAST / INTERVIEW / VIDEO FEATURES HERE Podcast – The Tragic Story of Kira Dixon Johnson | Protect Mothers | with, Charles Johnson EP175: Discussing the Black Maternal Mortality Crises with 4Kira4Moms Founder, Charles Johnson Charles Johnson Season 1 Episode 12 OTHER FEATURED VIDEOS AND PODCASTS Why Are Women Still Dying in Childbirth w/ Charles Johnson | Ep. 36 | Mommy Needs A Break Demanding #BlanketChange – A Movement to Prioritize Our Nation’s Moms and Babies (Full Event) Birth Queen & Charles Johnson He Lost His Wife Suddenly in Child Birth — And Now He Wants Change | with, Charles Johnson Real Talk at the Barbershop with Charles Johnson, Founder, 4Kira4Moms Conversations That Matter: Charles Johnson, Founder of 4Kira4Moms Panel Discussion: Allyson Felix, Charles Johnson, and Stacey D. Stewart Maternal Mortality with Charles Johnson… Ep 9 Charles Johnson on Oprah’s Salute to Fathers