Fathers in the Fight for Maternal Health Breakfast Hosted by 4Kira4Moms, Dads Caucus & Black Maternal Health Caucus
On Thursday, September 12, 2024, 4Kira4Moms, the Black Maternal Health Caucus, & the Congressional Dads Caucus will present the “Fathers in the Fight for Maternal Health Breakfas.t” This important breakfast session will unite members from both caucuses to discuss opportunities & legislation supporting Black maternal health.

Women Harmed by Doctors, Then Failed by US Civil Rights Watchdog
Kira Dixon Johnson’s husband knew something was wrong. Earlier in the day, she’d given birth to her second son by cesarean section. Now there was blood in her catheter bag. Charles Johnson pressed staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for help. Hours went by as he waited. She shivered uncontrollably.

Why We Need Men Advocating for Maternal Health Equity
Men are critical in speaking up for maternal health inequities. Here’s why we need men advocating for maternal health equity. Allies are essential, especially when it comes to Black maternal health. Statistics show that Black women are three to four times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related crisis than white women.

New Study: US Maternal Mortality Remains Highest Among Wealthy Nations
Despite a post-covid decline, 2022 saw around 22 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in America. Norway in contrast saw 0 maternal deaths. See what experts say the US can do. A new study published by The Commonwealth Fund is calling attention once again to America’s unacceptably high maternal mortality rate.

One Dad’s Mission to Eradicate the Maternal Mortality Crisis
This Father’s Day, Charles Johnson will be celebrating with his two beautiful sons Langston, age 8, and the younger Charles, nearly 10. This day will surely be filled with plenty of “I love yous,” but it’s a day forever tinged with sadness. In 2016, Charles and his wife Kira were gearing up to become a family of four.
2024 MEDIA
- The Bump Continues Efforts to Increase Awareness and Combat the Maternal Mortality Crisis with Expansion of its Black Maternal Health Hub
Doctors said his wife would be back in 15 minutes. He never saw her alive again
- Bobbie: Pass Momnibus Now Winner in Family and Parenting Finalist in Social Good Campaign, Call to Action
- Maternal health inequities persist. Can digital tools be part of the solution?
- Atlanta OB-GYN addresses challenges as Black Maternal Health Week begins
- The Bump Celebrates Black Maternal Health Week
- 2024 Black Maternal Health Walk & Block Party
- The Black Maternal Health Walk & Block Party
- Serena Williams’ New Beauty Brand Is Raising Money for Black Maternal Health With Clean, Vegan Products
- 2024 Black Maternal Health Week Events
2023 MEDIA
- ‘The Resident’: Most Tragic Episode Was Based on True Story
- Bobbie for Change Elevates Elaine Welteroth’s Birth Story to Fight for Improved Black Maternal Care and Policy Change in the US
- Elaine Welteroth on the Black Maternal Mortality Crisis and Why She Chose a Home Birth
- ‘I Didn’t Know That This Could Happen To Me’: Elaine Welteroth Shares Birth Story To Fight Maternal Mortality Crisis
Charles Johnson is advocating for Black maternal health with 4 Kira 4 Moms
- His wife died after childbirth. He’s now dedicated his life to helping Black mothers survive the avoidable crisis
- How Can We Solve the Black Maternal Health Crisis?
- How One Father Advocates for Maternal Health for All
- His children are ‘a constant source of joy’ after his wife died from childbirth
Tackling Black Maternal Health Inequities Deliver Better Care for a Better World
- An Extremely Long Time Coming’: Husband of Woman Who Died From ‘Botched’ C-Section at L.A. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center ‘Proud’ of Federal Probe Into Hospital’s Treatment of Black Mothers
- A Black mother died after childbirth in 2016. Now the hospital is under federal investigation.
- Medical student orientation session sheds light on systemic health inequities
- WSSU, Novant partner to diversify healthcare profession
- Charles Johnson’s Loss Launched a Maternal Health Revolution
2022 MEDIA
- Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal and Infant Mortality
- Leading advocate against maternal mortality and morbidity speaks at Gaddipati Lecture
Trusting Your Body and Team: the Key to Reclaiming Power in Pregnancy
On the Frontlines of the Fight for Black Maternal Health Equity
Mothers of Gynecology honored in Black maternal health conference in Montgomery
Statue celebrates ‘Mothers of Gynecology’ at Black women’s birthing conference
Podcast – The Tragic Story of Kira Dixon Johnson | Protect Mothers | with, Charles Johnson
- The Black Maternal Health Caucus with Rep. Lauren Underwood
A Call To Action: Responding To The Crisis of Maternal Mortality